Journey Kids

Nursery - Pre-Teens

Our Mission
Our Mission

Our Journey Kids & Family Ministry exists to help children and their families learn about Jesus in an engaging, safe and loving environment. 

Our Vision

We seek to come alongside parents and families of young children to equip, empower and encourage them as they demonstrate the love of Jesus, with the shared desire to help them grow in their faith journey.


Upcoming Events

Check back soon!

Sunday Morning Classes

We ask that all families with children in any of our Journey Kids classes promptly pick up in the KID CITY as soon as the Worship Gathering ends. This allows time for our volunteers to clean and reset the room and join their families.


Room 204
For infants through age 2
10:30 am during the Worship Gathering


Room 205
For 3- & 4-year-olds
10:30 am during the Worship Gathering


Room 203
For Kindergarten through 5th grade
A fun and engaging large group time for all our elementary friends. We sing, pray together, and hear and discuss the Bible story before joining their small groups.


Room 203
For kindergarten through 2nd grade
10:30 am during the Worship Gathering


Room 104
For 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade kids
Kids begin in Room 203 upstairs in KID CITY WORSHIP

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I check in my child(ren)?
a. The main door to KID CITY is open at 10:20 am and closed/locked at 10:45 am.
b. There are two iPads on the counter as you walk in.
c. One of our vetted volunteers will be at that counter to assist you should you need help.
How early can I drop my child(ren) off at class?

a. The KID CITY door will be open at 10:20 am.

When do my kids have to be picked up from class?

a. We ask that all families with children in any of our Journey Kids classes promptly pick up in their KID CITY classroom as soon as the Worship Gathering ends. This allows time for our volunteers to clean and reset the room and join their families for a few minutes of fellowship.

I am a visitor. How do I check in on my child(ren)?

a. A vetted volunteer or host will be at the KID CITY check-in counter and will assist you with the check-in process.

I am a visitor; would you like me to give you my information?
a. Each child receives a printed nametag for security purposes. It will include the following information:
b. Allergy or other medical information
c. Cell phone number of the person checking in (this is necessary if we need to contact you while you are on campus – it is not saved in the database)
d. Name of the person checking in
e. Child’s name
How do I check in once I am a regular attendee?
a. At the KID CITY check-in counter, one of the iPads asks you to enter the first few letters of your last name, which will bring up your family/household.
b. Select your child’s name and then select “check-in.”
c. Your child’s nametag will print immediately after, and a claim ticket for you to present to your child’s teacher when you pick them up after the Gathering at KID CITY.
d. At the KID CITY check-in counter, the other iPad has the option of entering your cell phone number to search for your household profile.
e. Follow b and c above.
f. If you have completed the pre-check process in our mobile app, you can choose to scan the QR code on your mobile device in your app. Your labels will print immediately following that process.
I want to fellowship with friends after the Gathering. Can I leave my kids for a few extra minutes?

a. We want you to have time to fellowship with others, but we ask that you do that with your kids in your care. Our volunteers want to fellowship too, and we want them to have that opportunity.

How secure is KID CITY?
a. We take the security of the whole campus seriously, especially where our kids are concerned.
b. The only door accessible to anyone outside the KID CITY wing is the main entrance at the bridge.
c. There is a door at the end of the 2nd-floor hallway leading to the pastor’s offices, and it is only accessible by pastors and custodians.
d. Three other emergency exits are not accessible (there is no keyhole on the outside) from the outside.
e. We have a vetted volunteer sitting at the KID CITY check-in counter where they can monitor the security cameras and the entry door.
Do you run background checks on your volunteers/teachers?
a. Yes! All our adult volunteers are required to submit to a National Background Check. Anyone else (custodians, technicians, plumbers, painters, etc.) in KID CITY must submit to one.
b. Our volunteers are thoroughly vetted by our Kids & Family Minister. They have applied, met individually with her, and participated in quarterly training and collaboration meetings.
c. Volunteers are required to adhere to all policies presented to them in the Journey Kids Volunteer Handbook.
What Bible curriculum is being used?

a. Currently, we are using First Look and 252 Kids from Orange (The ReThink Group).

Do you have AWANA?

a. Not at this time.

I have a question that is not listed here.

a. We would love to chat with you. Please contact the main office, and you will be directed to our Kid’s & Family Minister.

What To Expect?

Is there a dress code?

No. You will find that the Journey is made up of a very diverse group of people. People wear what they are comfortable in – which means that most people dress casually.

What is the Sunday Worship Gathering like?

We are a multi-generational church and our worship reflects it. Many of the songs we sing are newer while others have been sung for generations. You can sing along if you know the songs or just listen if they are new to you. You will find a mix of vocalists and instruments among those leading worship each Sunday including drums, keyboards, acoustic guitars, electric guitars, and piano. Lyrics are projected onto two screens on either side of the main stage. We sing a few songs together, then a message is given by one of our pastors. Communion is celebrated the first Sunday of each month.

What are the messages like?

We value transformed lives at Journey Church. The teaching and preaching that takes place is meant to encourage transformation. Messages during the worship gathering are directly based on the Bible and are meant to help explain the meaning of the selected passage and apply that meaning to your life. We are committed to helping you take the next step in your relationship with Jesus Christ.

Where are you located?

Journey Church is located in Federal Way, WA just a little over 1 mile west of I-5 on 320th St. Our address is: 701 S 320th St, Federal Way, WA  98003.